Hey --that sounds like fun. A party where everyone has to bring a dessert. Whether or not you'll be able to eat all the desserts is the true test. Can you do it? I think I would have the gumption and endurance to survive this feat of great proportions. I've got the greatest, easiest dessert for you to make. I might still post a picture of it here if I don't eat it all immediately. It was too dark out last night and the lighting in my kitchen is horrible.
So, I bought a flat of Jersey blueberries but any fruit will do, I think. Peaches would be great. It's called: Blueberry Cobbler Crisp. I wanted to marry the biscuit-y goodness of a cobbler with the crisp-ety crunch of a crisp. Here's how I cheated:
I used a biscuit mix (cheater! listen, I don't have time for integrity) and whipped up a batch of cobbler batter as directed on the box. I put the oven on 400. I got a glass pie plate and greased it, then spread the batter evenly over the bottom. It doesn't look like much, but it will puff up lots. Then I tossed some fruit, in this case blueberries, with some sugar (1/4 cup?) and spread them on top of the batter. Then I whizzed up a small batch of crisp topping in the Cuisinart, compliments of my pal, The Joy of Cooking. (Look for apple crisp and appropriate the topping recipe.) I turned it into: 1/4 cup flour, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup steel cut oats, 1/4 cup vegetable oil. You can use butter, which is what Joy would recommend. I was low on butter and somehow thought I was doing myself a favor omitting it. Ha! Sprinkle that mixture over the blueberries, pop it in the oven for fifteen minutes, then lower the temperature to 35o for another fifteen minutes. Et voila, you have a scrumptial dessert that's sort of like a fruity coffee cake. Or a cake-y pie. Quick and easy enough for a cranky eight-month pregnant, sugar fiend to make without pushing her to the end of her rope.