On Sunday morning I got up bright and early and drove an hour to a little farm that is renowned for its organic pick-your-own strawberries. It was perfect weather--cloudy and not too hot. I was dressed right, wore a hat, slathered on sun screen.
I picked about 13 pounds in an hour. Didn't eat too many while there too! I left just in time to avoid the crowds.
I drove straight home and began to hull them all. I had plans for: strawberry preserves (left whole), strawberry jam (mashed), strawberry shortcake, frozen strawberries for smoothies, and some just to eat out of hand.
Ready the sterilized jars!
This picture is blurry because I was in a rush to eat the damn thing. It was one of those incredibly good desserts where you probably should stop because it's just an overload of goodness but that insatiable side of you won't let that plate go until it's empty. I felt slightly ill afterwards. But only in the very best way.
Ta da! Down into the basement with you to wait for the dreary winter doldrums when you will be popped out and used to cheer the masses on hot bread with butter.
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