Finally things are beginning to settle. The new boiler was installed. It looks beautiful and it better with what it cost! The new barn roof goes up next week. I have my fingers crossed on that one. And I am large with child, feeling one with the pendulous and fecund garden. Just two weeks ago I was commenting on how strangers don't seem to comment on my pregnancy at all--how lucky am I? Well, the comments have come forth in a deluge. Routine questions: when are you due, boy or girl, and what's the name. The rote response to when I am due (September 12th) is REALLY? You look due tomorrow! To which I wittily respond: Well, you know, being so short he doesn't have too much of a choice but to grow out. Ha, ha, ha! As soon as someone knows it's a boy--this is men and women--they go into this whole thing about how lucky I am because girls are so outrageously difficult and boys are angels. To which I smile mutely and nod thinking: did you know you were talking to a former girl? I wonder what they would say if I was having a girl. Maybe I should try that. People usually don't know what to do when I say we are waiting until he's born to name him. But what are some ideas, they say. And I say, we have a few, but we're not discussing them. And Oh! people get upset when you won't tell them. I sometimes feel bad for them and want to cave. But I don't. Honestly, we don't have many names floating around.
Now that my final day of work is here I won't be posting as much. I'll be laying on the couch thinking of what I could do if I had the energy, eating pie, and watching this small being wiggle around in my belly (!). It's the most amazing thing.