Finally things are beginning to settle. The new boiler was installed. It looks beautiful and it better with what it cost! The new barn roof goes up next week. I have my fingers crossed on that one. And I am large with child, feeling one with the pendulous and fecund garden. Just two weeks ago I was commenting on how strangers don't seem to comment on my pregnancy at all--how lucky am I? Well, the comments have come forth in a deluge. Routine questions: when are you due, boy or girl, and what's the name. The rote response to when I am due (September 12th) is REALLY? You look due tomorrow! To which I wittily respond: Well, you know, being so short he doesn't have too much of a choice but to grow out. Ha, ha, ha! As soon as someone knows it's a boy--this is men and women--they go into this whole thing about how lucky I am because girls are so outrageously difficult and boys are angels. To which I smile mutely and nod thinking: did you know you were talking to a former girl? I wonder what they would say if I was having a girl. Maybe I should try that. People usually don't know what to do when I say we are waiting until he's born to name him. But what are some ideas, they say. And I say, we have a few, but we're not discussing them. And Oh! people get upset when you won't tell them. I sometimes feel bad for them and want to cave. But I don't. Honestly, we don't have many names floating around.
Now that my final day of work is here I won't be posting as much. I'll be laying on the couch thinking of what I could do if I had the energy, eating pie, and watching this small being wiggle around in my belly (!). It's the most amazing thing.
Your gardens are looking lovely! Sorry about the tomato invader!! Our melons and squash have flowers, but I'm not seeing much else yet, except for the surprise pumpkin plant growing out of one of our compost piles! We think it is from one of our pumpkins from last fall and we're all watching it excitedly.
I think it is most appropriate that your squashes are gorgeous. Get it?
Looks good to me! Glad the furnace got replaced.
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