Thursday, December 04, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Eight Weeks!
I cannot believe it has already been eight weeks. Going on nine! I weighed Sterling on our scale the other day and it seems like he is fourteen pounds. He's light in the morning and heavy by the time I put him to bed, which has been six or seven these days. I look forward to that moment after a long day of holding him. After I do, I run downstairs and clutch the baby monitor listening to every pop and ping of the heating system thinking it's him. I feel as if I have to train myself about this so called separation anxiety!
Sterling does not like to be put down so it's been important to try every swing known to man in order to eat or use the bathroom. He also does not tolerate slings which is extremely inconvenient. He lasts in everything for about ten minutes, so I go around putting him in this and that until it doesn't work anymore. Also, changed his mind-- doesn't like the car anymore. As soon as the monster of a clasp buckles shut his face scrunches into a shriveled apple and the mouth pops open to wail. Oh, the torture of life! Aside from all these little complaints, he is an absolute angel. Brilliant, gifted, handsome. Great sense of humor just now coming out. Smiles are certainly sweet payback. And when I sit there with him heavy in my hands, laying on my chest, little rattling breath because he's squished so much, and the sweet smell of his head right below my nose, I think: I want to what? Clean the house? Instead of holding this little scrumptialicious baby? I think not.
Here we are with our friends Becky and newborn Sara Elizabeth!

As they say: try everything! The dishwasher was working for our p.m. fusser.

Punk rock hair!

I take you riding in the car car!
Sterling does not like to be put down so it's been important to try every swing known to man in order to eat or use the bathroom. He also does not tolerate slings which is extremely inconvenient. He lasts in everything for about ten minutes, so I go around putting him in this and that until it doesn't work anymore. Also, changed his mind-- doesn't like the car anymore. As soon as the monster of a clasp buckles shut his face scrunches into a shriveled apple and the mouth pops open to wail. Oh, the torture of life! Aside from all these little complaints, he is an absolute angel. Brilliant, gifted, handsome. Great sense of humor just now coming out. Smiles are certainly sweet payback. And when I sit there with him heavy in my hands, laying on my chest, little rattling breath because he's squished so much, and the sweet smell of his head right below my nose, I think: I want to what? Clean the house? Instead of holding this little scrumptialicious baby? I think not.
Here we are with our friends Becky and newborn Sara Elizabeth!
As they say: try everything! The dishwasher was working for our p.m. fusser.
Punk rock hair!
I take you riding in the car car!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
First Week Home
We came home on Saturday, and it felt so nice to be back. But--where were all the nurses? The Birthing Center was stupendous. They really took care of us and prepared us for the intensity to follow.
So, here he is with his mouth closed (and eyes, too). He was sleeping for about three hours in this seat following his first doctor's appointment just two days after his release from the hospital. The doctor was amazed by his astounding weight gain--one ounce more than his birth weight. As you know, babies lose weight before they gain it. We don't have to go back for the general two week appointment. Just come back next month, he said, this baby is extraordinary! (He didn't really say the extraordinary part.)
Needless to say he eats contantly, which I guess should be no surprise considering his parents. He also has blessed us with two four and a half hours stretches of sleep at night, which we duly thank him for.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
About to Pop for You
Here I am, full term. To be very honest, I am quite uncomfortable and it feels like I will stay this way forever. It's a strange limbo to be in, this "few days past your due date." I think due dates should be banned. Intellectually, where I am is a beautiful place, and I appreciate that. But the truth is a little more complicated than that. I guess I sound a little done, don't I?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Waiting Takes So Long
Here I am! Popping in on a gorgeous September morning--I am outside down by the barn doing a bit of writing while Steve paints the trim that he's been meaning to do since we roofed the barn. It is as blue skyed and clear as it can get, with one little wisp of a cloud slowly dissipating in the cool wind. The sun is clear and warm and makes each and every green leaf distinct as it flutters in the wind. The pond is still covered in algae even though it poured like the devil yesterday. The ducks let a quack rip every so often behind me on duck beach. A macintosh apple sits by the computer temptingly. Sigh. Autumn.
This morning I pulled all the squash and gourd vines and composted them. A little early, I know, but they were all raped by boring insects and all the fruit was done anyway. A little clean up feels good while I wait for the not so little guy snuggled in my mid section. I've been having pre labor signs all week and getting Steve and I all excited. So, today we decided to try and keep ourselves busy. I feel huge and so ready! The waiting is the hardest part. I know I should be enjoying it...
Friday, August 08, 2008
Back on Track
Finally things are beginning to settle. The new boiler was installed. It looks beautiful and it better with what it cost! The new barn roof goes up next week. I have my fingers crossed on that one. And I am large with child, feeling one with the pendulous and fecund garden. Just two weeks ago I was commenting on how strangers don't seem to comment on my pregnancy at all--how lucky am I? Well, the comments have come forth in a deluge. Routine questions: when are you due, boy or girl, and what's the name. The rote response to when I am due (September 12th) is REALLY? You look due tomorrow! To which I wittily respond: Well, you know, being so short he doesn't have too much of a choice but to grow out. Ha, ha, ha! As soon as someone knows it's a boy--this is men and women--they go into this whole thing about how lucky I am because girls are so outrageously difficult and boys are angels. To which I smile mutely and nod thinking: did you know you were talking to a former girl? I wonder what they would say if I was having a girl. Maybe I should try that. People usually don't know what to do when I say we are waiting until he's born to name him. But what are some ideas, they say. And I say, we have a few, but we're not discussing them. And Oh! people get upset when you won't tell them. I sometimes feel bad for them and want to cave. But I don't. Honestly, we don't have many names floating around.
Now that my final day of work is here I won't be posting as much. I'll be laying on the couch thinking of what I could do if I had the energy, eating pie, and watching this small being wiggle around in my belly (!). It's the most amazing thing.
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