Here I am! Popping in on a gorgeous September morning--I am outside down by the barn doing a bit of writing while Steve paints the trim that he's been meaning to do since we roofed the barn. It is as blue skyed and clear as it can get, with one little wisp of a cloud slowly dissipating in the cool wind. The sun is clear and warm and makes each and every green leaf distinct as it flutters in the wind. The pond is still covered in algae even though it poured like the devil yesterday. The ducks let a quack rip every so often behind me on duck beach. A macintosh apple sits by the computer temptingly. Sigh. Autumn.
This morning I pulled all the squash and gourd vines and composted them. A little early, I know, but they were all raped by boring insects and all the fruit was done anyway. A little clean up feels good while I wait for the not so little guy snuggled in my mid section. I've been having pre labor signs all week and getting Steve and I all excited. So, today we decided to try and keep ourselves busy. I feel huge and so ready! The waiting is the hardest part. I know I should be enjoying it...
The borers got many of our plants, too! :( I hope that baby joins you on the outside soon. Good luck with the labor and birth.
I'm ready to pop too! The anticipation is killing me!
How about a pic of you at month nine?
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